Our Philosophy
We believe each child is a unique and special individual who needs affection, laughter and encouragement and who brings enjoyment to their family, community and world. The primary focuses within our philosophy are being, belonging and becoming. The Kiddiewinks Butterfly is a representation of these three areas combined.
We will ensure that the nutritional needs of the children are met whilst under our care. Our Centre menu is based around recommendations from health authorities. We provide nutritional meals which also meet dietary requirements.
We understand that families who use our service come from a diversity of backgrounds within our community and therefore we will promote an awareness of multicultural and diverse society. Educators will promote conversation with families and the children to gain an understanding of each child’s individual background, which will assist in creating a whole picture of a child, while maintaining confidentiality at all times. We believe all families have the right to receive high quality care regardless of their personal circumstances.
Aboriginal Perspectives
Aboriginal perspectives are enriched into our learning ways and techniques of teaching through cultural way:
We provide a learning environment where children learn and develop by exploring their world through stimulating and challenging inside and outside play. We plan for children’s learning around their interests and their own specific needs, guided by the National Quality Standards, the Early Years Learning Framework and the School Aged Care Learning Framework-My Time, Our Place. This provides opportunities for children to reach their potential, in all areas of their development: physical health and wellbeing, social, emotional, language and cognitive, and spiritual.
We are committed to professional teamwork, and ongoing professional development to extend our skills and abilities. All staff value and respect one another and the contributions they make to create a cohesive team. We recognise our responsibility in ensuring and maintaining current workplace policies and procedures.
We nourish relationships with our community. We welcome community involvement recognising it as an evolving resource benefiting the child, family and community. We welcome ongoing involvement and input into all aspects of our service and programs.